


私の短期大学生活ですばらしいスペイン語の教授お二人に出会いました。私の父と同様、彼らは全くラテン系の血統が背景にはない、アメリカ人でした。教授はお二人共、UCLAにおいて博士号を修め、熱心に私にUCLAへ進学し、スペイン語を勉強することを勧めてくれたのでした。それと同時に私の父が私の通う短期大学でスペイン語の教授に就任したことで、私は時々彼の授業に参加し、他の生徒を助ける様になりました。その授業で知り合った日本人の友人と交友を深め、私はどんどん日本やアジアに興味を持つようになりました。これが、私が正に日本人と交流 を持つようになった最初の切掛けでした。私はすぐに日本語の簡単なフレーズを学ぶ様になり、言語を交換する仲間を見つけました。さらに広島出身の日本人をプライベートレッスンの講師として雇いました。




I grew up in Southern California, an ideal location to learn and become intimate with our international neighbor to the south, Mexico. In addition to this exciting bicultural environment, both my maternal grandparents are from Mexico City so I've always felt proud to consider myself Mexican-American. Last but not least, my father, despite having zero ethic Latino American roots like myself, he taught himself Spanish during his high school years, studied abroad in Mexico, and finally got 2 Master's degree, one in Spanish. I was greatly influenced by my father's passion for the Latin American world.

While attending my 2 year university, I had 2 incredible Spanish professors. Similar to my father, they also had zero ethnic Latin American background. They both received their PhDs from UCLA and they greatly encouraged me to study Spanish at UCLA. At the same time, my father became a Spanish professor at my 2 year university. I sometimes joined his classes and helped assist other students. I noticed a few who were Japanese. I became friends with them and enjoyed helping them in my father's Spanish classes outside of class. I became more and more curious about Japan and Asia. This was my first authentic contact with Japanese. I soon started learning simple phrases in Japanese and found language exchange partners. Then I made a choice to hire a Japanese teacher from Hiroshima to teach me private lessons. I quickly became a part of the local Japanese student community.

Thankfully, I was accepted to UCLA and to celebrate this, I went to Tokyo to study Japanese. This was my first time in Japan and I was mesmerized with Japanese food, culture, and the big city lifestyle. In order to continue my Japanese language learning in Los Angeles, I first lived with a Japanese host family in the very large Japanese community of Los Angeles, Torrance. At UCLA, in addition to Linguistics and Spanish classes, I took Japanese classes. I wanted to become a Spanish teacher just like my father but my passion for Japan grew and I knew I wanted to live in Japan. So rather than become a Spanish teacher, I decided to become an English teacher and after graduation, I came to teach in Osaka in 2008.

I am now settled down in Kitaku, Osaka with my beautiful Japanese wife and daughter. I love Osaka and am very happy to call it my adopted home. In addition to teaching English, I also import health food from the United States to Japan.

During my time at UCLA, my neighbor introduced me to bodybuilding. Ever since then, I have been training, eating healthy, and competing in bodybuilding shows here in Osaka, Japan.

Because of my bodybuilding background, I am also involved in importing health food such as protein powders. I spent 3 years studying and researching each and every complex import procedure according to the Japanese Department of Health culminating in the full registration of two protein powders, and the establishment of my own company, Japan Trading Expert.

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